Year 2015

Speakers 2015

Milena Adámková Ségard,

  • Graduate
    of Masters and Postgraduate Studies at FTVS of Charles University
    in Prague, Subject of Kinantropology.

  • She
    studied physiotherapy and rehabilitation science at KU Leuven in

  • Assistant
    professor in the Department of Psychology of PF UJEP Ústí nad
    Labem, a lecturer in the field of health psychology and
    personality psychology.

  • She
    focuses on the use of movement and body work in therapy,
    especially eating disorders, psychotic disorders and improve of
    quality of life in common population.

  • At
    her work she follows work of B. Hátlové.


doc. PaedDr. Marie Blahutková, Ph.D.

  • Vice Dean for Science and Research at MU FSPS Brno (2006-2009)

  • Assistant professor, psychologist, sports psychologist.

  • Teaching activities in the area:

psychology, theory and didactics of gymnastics, psychomotor, Euro
team, Team-gym, theory and didactics of rhythmic gymnastics and
folk dances, mental hygiene,

Coaching psychology, health psychology, social psychology focusing
on sport psychology of coaching for managers, Teambuilding.

PhDr. Martin Dlabal, Ph.D.

  • Assistant professor at
    the Department of Psychology of PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem.

  • Registered Clinical
    Psychologist at the National Center, attestation in clinical

  • He deals with
    psychological counseling and psychotherapy.


Mgr. Kateřina Farová Gilová

  • She worked four years as a physiotherapist in Jedlička
    Institution and two years in the Hospital of Medical Education
    Centre for mentally disabled in the Federal Republic of Germany.
    In 2006 she graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education and
    Sport at Charles University in Prague, subject of Physical and
    Work Education of health disabled.

  • Since 2010 she has been working as a psychomotor therapist in PN

  • She deals with rehabilitation programs in supportive treatment of
    patients with all types of psychiatric disorders.

  • Email:

Prof. Dr. Ludmila Fialová, Ph.D.

  • She works at the
    Department of Education, Psychology and Didactics at the Faculty
    of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University in Prague.
    She guarantees branches of study Physical Education and Sport
    with specialization in Education and Teaching for secondary
    schools at UK FTVS.

  • She is an author
    of more than 270 scientific and professional articles,
    educational texts and research reports in 4 languages. She has
    written 5 Czech monographs, 15 chapters in a monograph, of which
    11 abroad. She was involved in solving of 24 grant tasks (7

  • For many years
    she examined body image as part of human self-approach. Her
    research is summarized in the monograph "The conception
    of own body – health
    , fitness, appearance".

  • She was awarded
    as „Woman of Month“in Czech science.

  • She is a member
    of the Scientific Council of FTVS UK Prague, PF UJEP Ústí nad

  • She
    also works as the chief editor of the scientific reviewed journal
    Czech kinanthropology.

  • Email:

PhDr. Běla Hátlová, PhD.

  • Graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport and
    Psychology at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in
    Prague. Graduate of postgraduate studies of kinanthropology,
    sport psychology.

  • Senior lecturer at the Department of Psychology at PF UJEP Ústí
    nad Labem

  • She focuses on sports psychology and health psychology. She has
    founded and developed with her students use of psychomotor
    therapy in psychiatric care in the Czech Republic.

  • Contact:

PhDr. Eva Chalupová
(Tomešová), Ph.D.

  • Assistant
    Professor at the Department of Psychology at FTVS UK in Prague.

  • Mgr. –
    Kinanthropology FTVS UK Prague + Clinical psychology at the
    Faculty of Philosophy UK Prague.

  • Research focus:

Transcultural validation of questionnaire methods, psych
diagnostics in sport, applied sport psychology.


Marianne Irmler, Ph.D.

Since 10/2011
Teaching staff at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg,
specific field: education and didactics in chronic and progressive
diseases and physical disabilities

tutor at the University of Hamburg, Department: Sports and
movement sciences, Teaching assignment at the University of
Applied Sciences Kiel, Department: Social Work and Health

2008-2011 Remedial

2007 –
Movement therapist and integration assistant, ASA-scholarship
holder at the project „Therapeutic riding in Nicaragua“

2002-2007 – Studies
of rehabilitation sciences and education at the University of
Dortmund and the Charles University Prague (2004)

Mgr. Tereza Louková, Ph.D.

  • Graduate of subject Teaching for Secondary Schools Physical
    Education – Psychology at FTVS UK in Prague. Since September 2008
    she has been at the Department of Psychology P UJEP Ústí nad

  • 2013 she
    completed a doctorate study in subject of Social Psychology FSS
    MU Brno under supervision of doc. Blahutková.

  • She focuses on health psychology, mental hygiene, sport
    psychology and psychomotor activity.

  • Contact:

Wioletta Lubkowska, Ph.D.

  • Lecturer
    at the Faculty of Physical Education and Health Promotion,
    University of Szczecin, who has cooperated with the University
    since 1994.

  • Expert
    on corrective gymnastics and health education, class 2 swimming
    trainer, teacher.

  • Received a Ph.D. degree in physical culture
    from the Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport with a
    doctoral thesis entitled ‘Assessment
    of physiological spine curvature and its practical significance
    in school-based physical education’.

  • Corrective swimming trainer with 20 years of
    experience. Interested mainly in the issue of physiological
    spinal curvature
    effectiveness of
    posture/scoliosis treatment through corrective/curative swimming,
    aquatic physical activity, as well as pedagogical activity in the
    field of health.

  • Authored and co-authored 71 articles on physical culture,
    published both in Poland and abroad.


Prof. Christophe

  • Associate
    Professor at the Département de Psychoéducation et de
    Psychologie at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (Québec,
    Canada) and holds an adjunct appointment at the Institute for
    Positive Psychology and Education (IPPE) that is related to
    ongoing research collaborations with IPPE’s members.

  • Christophe’s
    expertise broadly covers psychosocial interventions, adapted
    physical activity interventions, and health prevention and
    education interventions, all aimed at improving the physical and
    psychological wellbeing of individuals with an intellectual
    physical health problems, or mental health disorders.

  • His current
    research projects are centered on:
    the assessment of multidimensional self-conceptions, mental
    health, and well-being in youth with or without an ID;
    the identification of social factors (social comparison,
    stereotypes, significant others, friends, school, etc.) related
    to the development of

    or without an ID.


Mgr. Miroslava Papajiková

    UK in Prague.

  • Graduate Mgr. in subject POLITICAL SCIENCE at FSV UK in Prague.

  • Graduate of an annual accredited training program MINDFUL BODY –

  • When studying andragogy she continues to
    educate in psychology, personal development, psychotherapy, and

  • Lecturer of motion classes, dancer and personal development

  • She gains her experience with dancing and
    conscious movement at lessons and seminars of Czech and foreign

  • She is fascinated with connection of body and mind. She focuses
    on the possibilities how to use dance movement and conscious work
    with the body to reduce the symptoms of social phobia and general
    shyness toward greater self-confidence and healthier self-concept
    of clients.


Prof. Michel Probst, Ph.D.

  • Graduate of rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy at KU
    Leuven, a graduate of postgraduate studies of "Psychomotor
    Therapy" and "Relaxation Therapy" at the KU Leuven

  • Since 1979 he has been acting at the Katholieke Universiteit
    Leuven in Belgium at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
    and Physiotherapy, where he has been the head of the department
    since 2006.

  • He specializes in eating disorders.

  • President of the Psychomotor Therapy Company: International
    Rehabilitation Council in Psychiatry.

• Member of the Committee for Science and Research of
European Forum of Psychomotor activity.


Tessa de Schimper, Ph.D.

  • Bachelor
    in Psychomotor therapy (University of Applied Sciences,
    Windesheim Zwolle, The Netherlands)

  • Student
    of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity (KU,

  • Currently
    working on thesis with Lauren Lieberman (Ph.D) at the The College
    of Brockport, State University of New York.

The topic: The Physical- Self Concept in Youth and Children
with a Visual impairment, a qualitative study


Prof. Marit Sørensen

  • Professor of Sport Psychology at the Faculty of Sports Studies
    at the University of Oslo (Norway).


PhDr. Daniela Stackeová, Ph.D.

  • 1997 – Master in Physiotherapy with Specialization on
    Somatopsychotherapy FTVS UK Prague

  • 2002 Ph.D. in Kinanthropology at FTVS UK in
    Prague, Department of PPD supervisor of prof. Dr. V. Hosek, The
    topic of dissertation:
    Influence of
    fitness exercise at psychological condition – possibility to be

  • Scientific –
    pedagogical activity carried out in the field of sports
    psychology and physiotherapy, focusing on psychosomatics of
    movement system, psychosomatic in physiotherapy, psychological
    benefits of physical activity.


Davy Vancampfort, PhD.

  • He works as a therapist at
    the University Psychiatric Center, KUL, campus Kortenberg,
    Belgium. E deals with rehabilitation programs in the supportive
    treatment of patients with schizophrenia.

Year 2015

Programme 2015

The 6th International Conference of Psychomotricity:

Psychomotor Therapy and Physical Self-Concept

Program 2015

Wednesday 22nd April

    1. 11.30 Registration

12.00 Opening speech – PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem

Mgr. Zuzana Procházková, Ph.D. (vice dean for development and relations of the Faculty of Education, Jan Evangelista Purkyne University)

12.30 – 17.00 Lectures

Prof. Christophe Maïano (University Quebec, Canada)

  • Physical Self-Concept and Intellectual Disability.

doc. Běla Hátlová Ph.D. (Faculty of Education UJEP, Ústí nad Labem, CZ)

  • Movement Therapy in the Context of Self-Concept.

PhDr. Daniela Stackeová, Ph.D. (Prague, CZ)

  • Physical Self-Concept in the Context of Psychosomatics.

Prof. Marit Sorenson (NSSS Oslo, Norway)

  • Self-concept in Relation to Physical Activity among Individuals with mental illness.

PhDr. Eva Chalupová, Ph.D. (Faculty of Sport, Charles University, Prague, CZ)

  • Czech version of Physical Self-Perception Profile FOX.


Thursday 23rd April

9.00- 13.00 Workshops gyms PF UJEP – Hoření 13

9.00 – 10.30

Doc. Marie Blahutková, Ph.D., Mgr. Zdeňa Sigmund (The way to personality by physical self-concept in psychomotricity)

10.40 – 12.10

Mgr. Miroslava Papajiková (Dance lessons by clients with social phobia – Basic elements in ourselves, self-understanding by physical activity.)

12.20 – 13.20

Mgr. Martin Dlabal, Ph.D. (Therapeutic method “Hand Approach”)

  • 12.20 – 12.50 in English language

  • 12.50 – 13.30 in Czech language

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 16.00 Lectures

Prof. Dr. Ludmila Fialová, Ph.D. (FTVS UK Prague, CZ)

  • Personal Satisfaction, Physiological self and Health related with Behaviour from the aspect of Involvement in Sports in Adult Population

Marianne Irmler, Ph.D. (University of Oldenburg, Germany)

  • Psychomotor therapy. Self- and body-concept enhancement for children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Tessa de Schipper, Ph.D. (KU Leuven, Belgium)

  • Physical Self Concept in children with a visual impairment.

Mgr. Kateřina Farová Gilová & doc. Běla Hátlová Ph.D. (Faculty of Education UJEP, Bohnice, CZ)

  • Physical Self-Perception Profile FOX in patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and alcohol dependence.

16.00 – 16.30 Official closing of the conference