Here you can find the list of speakers and lectors in order to timetable of the conference.
Kalliopi Trouli, Assistant Professor
Department of Preschool Education, University of Crete
Kalliopi Trouli is a professor of physical education and animator in dramatic play. Holder of a Master’s degree and PhD in Education Science from the Department of Primary Education of the University of Crete.
Currently, Assistant Professor at the University of Crete, Department of Preschool Education, in the field “Physical and Psychomotor Education in Early Childhood”. Her research interests include the graphomotor development and assessment of the child, education through movement – modern pedagogical approaches, early childhood physical and psychomotor education, teacher training and psychomotor intervention.
Oral presentation: Psychomotor education in Greece and its importance in early childhood.
Workshop: Psychomotor approach for teaching writing skills in early childhood.
Hana Dvořáková, Ass.professor
Pedagogical faculty Charles University, Prague
Graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Prague. She gathered her first professional experience at the Department of Basic and Recreational Physical Education of the Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Union of Physical Education and Sport and in the Physical Education Research Institute.
Since 1991 she has worked at the Department of Physical Education, Pedagogic Faculty, Charles University in Prague, her teaching activities focusing mainly on future teachers for preschool and young school age. In 1994 she successfully defended her dissertation and in 1998 she became Docent. She implemented several grant projects and cooperated internationally on various projects concerning movement in the life of children and pupils, for example with Freie Universitat Berlin, Universitat Marburg, Pedagogic Faculties at Lublin and Koper, University of Salt Lake City etc. Her professional focus has been physical training of the youngest children and she has also published a lot of relevant research and scientific articles and books on methodology for parents and teachers.
She was also involved in the Sport for All Association in the section of physical education of preschool children, therapeutic physical training and psychomotricity, represented the Czech Republic at the European Psychomotricity Forum, and cooperated with Sokol, where for more than three decades she managed joint exercise of parents and children, preschool children and adults.
Lecture + workshop: Psychomotricity as a tool of preschool chilďs development.
Tereza Louková
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Graduated from Charles University: Secondary school teacher education – Physical education and Psychology,
Since September 2008 Assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, University J.E. Purkyně, Ústí nad Labem
In 2013 postgraduate degree – Social psychology at Faculty of social sciences
MU Brno, Supervisor doc. Blahutková.
One of the main organizer of the International Conference of Psychomotricity.
Focus on Health Psychology, Mental hygiene, Sport Psychology and Psychomotricity.
Lecture + workshop: Psychomotricity in physical education for younger school-aged children.
Vladislava Heřmanová, ass. professor
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, UJEP, Ústí nad Labem
Long-term teaching experience at various types of schools
International Project Contact Person, ERASMUS coordinator
Majored in Psychology and Pedagogy, The Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, The Charles University in Prague.
Ph.D. in Psychology of Pedagogy completed in 2003 under supervision of doc. Marta Langová, CSc. at the Department of School Psychology, UK in Prague, Prague
Main research areas: developmental psychology, pedagogical psychology, educational and career counseling.
Lecture: Reflexion of physical activities in elderly – University if the 3rd age.
Lenka Semerádová
UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Involved in various kinds of movement activities, specifically dancing, since childhood.
Tai Chi practicioner for more than 10 years, thereby developed her interest in personal development and movement as such.
The member of the Czech Association of Taijiquan, achieved 4th dan. From 2015, a lecturer in the Chinese Health Exercises (Tai Chi Fundamentals), held at the University of the Third Age, UJEP, Ústí nad Labem.
In 2017, she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Pedagogical Assistance at the Faculty of Pedagogy, UJEP. Bachelor’s thesis: Motivation of Seniors to Practice Traditional Chinese Health Exercises. She focuses on movement therapies for seniors and disadvantaged adults.
Workshop: ThaiChi in elderly.
Běla Hátlová, Ass. Professor
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Study of Faculty of Physical Education – sport and psychology at Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague.
Postgradual study of Kinanthropology, Sport psychology.
Docent at the department of psychology at UJEP in Ústí nad Labem.
Research focus on Sport Psychology and Health psychology.
She founded and with her students is developing use of Psychomotor therapy for psychiatric treatment in Czech Republic.
Lecture: What encourages people with mental health problems to participate in social life activities? How this improves the quality of their lives?
Geir Haakstad
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo
Is at present working as a Sports Pedagogue/University lecturer at Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Oslo, Norway.
He has an education in Cognitive Therapy and a master degree in Adapted Physical Activity from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.
has been working with persons with mental illnesses since 2000, when he first started at the Regional Security Ward, Dikemark, a hospital for persons defined as dangerously mentally ill.
In 2007 he began at Diakonhjemmet Hospital, where Geir was one of the team leaders and initiative takers in the development of a very successful treatment unit fo people with dual diagnoses with a special focus on lifestyle changes and physical activity.
The last four years he has been working with persons with severe mental illness living at home.
Presentation: Physical activity: an important treatment option for people with severe mental illness.
Ruben Verpelstad
Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Departement of Psychiatry, Vinderen, Norway
Is at present working as an occupational therapist at Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Departement of Psychiatry, Vinderen. He has specialized in mental disorders, Cognitive Therapy and is educated in handling outpatients with potential of violent behaviour. He has worked in psychiatry since 2004. First at Sequrity Ward Gaustad. Then at a treatment unit for people with dual diagnosis. Currently he is working as a case manager in a FACT-team, treating people with psychosis and bipolar disorders. He is found of using physical activity as a part of the treatment.
Presentation: Physical activity: an important treatment option for people with severe mental illness
Iva Wedlichová
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Head of the Department of Psychology of the University of J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem.
Specialization in ontogenetic and pedagogical psychology.
Lecture: DAP Services methods as a mean in the PsychPAT Research Project.
David Karel
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem.
Psychology studies at the Faculty of Psychology, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy.
Postgradual study of social psychology at the Philosophical faculty, Charles University in Prague.
Founder of the Institute of Strategic Therapies, Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist.
Focus on issues of self-concept and mental aspects of infertility.
Lecture + workshop: Mindfulness – way to self-development and health.
Martin Dlabal
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Psychology studies at the Philosophical Faculty, Palackého University in Olomouc.
Postgradual study of social psychology at the Philosophical faculty, Charles University in Prague.
Clinical psychologist at the Faculty Hospital na Bulovce, Prague.
Assistant Professor at the department of psychology, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem.
Focus on the hypnotic and non-hypnotic communicative strategic psychotherapy.
Workshop: Anchoring method as a motivational tool for movement activity.
Renata Hajná
PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
Assistant professor on the department of psychology PF UJEP Ústí nad Labem, school psychologist.
Counselling psychologists.
Main study focus: developmental psychology, pedagogical psychology, counselling psychology.
Workshop: Using of imagination in usual children’s education.
Miroslava Papajiková
Student Mgr. of subject ANDRAGOGY AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT at FF UK in Prague.
Graduate Mgr. in subject POLITICAL SCIENCE at FSV UK in Prague.
Graduate of an annual accredited training program MINDFUL BODY – LABAN’S MOVEMENT ANALYSIS / BATERNIEFF FUNDAMENTALS
When studying andragogy she continues to educate in psychology, personal development, psychotherapy, and psychomotor.
Lecturer of motion classes, dancer and personal development consultant.
She gains her experience with dancing and conscious movement at lessons and seminars of Czech and foreign lecturers.
She is fascinated with connection of body and mind. She focuses on the possibilities how to use dance movement and conscious work with the body to reduce the symptoms of social phobia and general shyness toward greater self-confidence and healthier self-concept of clients.
Workshop: Dancing workshop “Who am I?”
Mary – Anne Paterson
Arts Therapist N. H. S. Rehab Hospital and Cancerkin Unit the Royal Free Hospital London. Working with clients in long term mental health care and the serious injury physiotherapy clinic.
Therapeutic and Social Arts Practitioner, Lecturer, Workshop leader in U.K. Europe, Czech Republic, Israel and Russia.
Social Arts initiatives and Art Therapy with children, young adults and the elderly from residential care institutions, hospitals and centres for the disabled in UK and Russia.
Respite weekends with refugees and exiles living in London and UK.
Artsworkshop: Working artistically with the four temperaments.